Pearl Harbor Bibliography -- Books A-M

This compilation and accompanying annotations are copyright 2014 by Leigh Kimmel. It may be downloaded and used for research and teaching purposes provided that it is not altered in any way and this copyright notice remains intact.

Agawa, Hiroyuki. The Reluctant Admiral: Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy. New York: Harper and Row 1979

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Albright, Harry. Pearl Harbor: Japan's Fatal Blunder, New York: Hippocrene, 1988

This popular work examines what might have happened if the Japanese had made the third wave attack and destroyed the fuel tanks. Because of the almost fictionalized style of the first several chapters, it reads almost like science fiction and sucks the reader in. Just when a reader is starting to hear the "Twilight Zone" theme in the back of her mind and wonder if the book has slipped through a dimensional rift from a world where it did happen, the author stops the narration and turns to a more standard non-fiction style to explain the importance of the choice Nagumo made in our world not to make the third attack.

Allen, Gwenfread. Hawaii's War Years. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1950

This book looks at the attack on Pearl Harbor primarily in relation to how it effected civilians. There is very little on the military bases themselves.

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Anthony, J. Garner. Hawaii Under Army Rule. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1955.

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Army Times, eds. Attack on Pearl Harbor, Washington D.C. 1941.

Arnold, General of the Air Force Henry H. Global Mission. New York: Harper, 1949.

This is primarily his memoirs, although there is some good material on the policy background to December 7.

Badsey, Stephen. Pearl Harbor. Mallard Press, 1991.

Baker, Leonard. Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor.. New York: Macmillan, 1970.

This book examines Roosevelt's role in the debacle, and is openly critical of revisionist theories. It also includes the objectionable passage "Kimmel and Short were permitted to retire" which makes it appear that the US government was being incredibly gracious when in fact it was getting rid of both men and attempting to foreclose on their opportunity to clear their name.

Baldwin, Hanson W. Battles Lost and Won: Great Campaigns of World War II.. New York: 1966

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Bamford, James. The Puzzle Palace.. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1982

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Barker, Arthur J. Pearl Harbor.. New York: Ballantine Books 1969

Barkley, Alben W. That Reminds Me .Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1954

Barnes, Harry E., ed. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers Ltd. 1953

______. Pearl Harbor After a Quarter of a Century.. New York: Arno Press, 1972

Bartlett, Bruce R. Cover-up: The Politics of Pearl Harbor, 1941-1946.. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1978

Beach, Edward L.Scapegoats: A Defense of Kimmel and Short at Pearl Harbor Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1995.

Captain Beach reappraises the revisionist argument in light of new information and concludes that, while it is unlikely that FDR deliberately allowed the attack, the command in Washington did fail to send the necessary information to the commanders in Hawaii, then destroyed those men's careers in order to cover their own mistakes. In particular, Beach lays a heavy proportion of the blame upon Admiral Richmond Kelly "Terrible" Turner, who was taking over functions outside of his perview in order to build his own power in the Navy Department

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Beard, Charles A. American Foreign Policy in the Making, 1932-1940.. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1948

______. President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War 1941,. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1948

A critical and scholarly examination of Roosevelt's role in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, focussing particularly on Kimmel and Short as scapegoats.

Beekman, Allan. The Niihau Incident.. Honolulu: Heritage Press of Pacific, 1982

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Belote, James H., and William M. Belote. Titans of the Seas: The Development and Operations of Japanese and American Carrier Task Forces During World War II.. New York: Harper and Row, 1975

Ben-Zvi, Abraham. Surprise attacks as a research field.. 1979

Bergamini, David. Japan's Imperial Conspiracy.. New York: William Morrow, 1971

Good background on the Japanese political situation that led up to the war

Berle, Adolf A. Navigating the Rapids, 1918-1971.. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973

Biddle, Francis. In Brief Authority.. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1962

Blair, Clay. Silent Victory.. Philedelphia: J. B. Lippincott 1975

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Blum, John M. From the Morgenthau Diaries: Years of War, 1941-1945.. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1959-1967

_____. Years of Urgency, 1938-1941.. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965

_____. Roosevelt and Morgenthau.. Boston: Houghton- Mifflin, 1970

_____. The Price of Vision: The Diary of Henry A. Wallace, 1942-1946. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1973

Bonaventura, Ray, and Ralph Vecchi. Month of Infamy, December 1941. Culver City, Calif.: Venture Publications, 1976

Borg, Dorothy, and Shumpei Okamato, eds. Pearl Harbor as History: Japanese-American Relations, 1931-1941. New York: Columbia University Press, 1973

This collection of essays examines the place of Pearl Harbor in the context of diplomatic history.

Boyle, John H. China and Japan at War 1937-1945. Stanford, Calif.: The Stanford University Press, 1972

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Brown, Anthony Cave. Bodyguard of Lies. New York: Harper & Row, 1975

Brown, DeSoto. Hawaii Goes to War: Life in Hawaii from Pearl Harbor to Peace. Honolulu: Editions Limited, 1989

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_____. ed. Hawaii Recalls: Selling Romance to America. Nostalgic Images of the Hawaiian Islands: 1910-1950. Honolulu: Editions Limited, 1982

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Brownlow, Donald G. The Accused: The Ordeal of Rear Admiral Husband Edward Kimmel, U.S.N New York: Vantage 1968

The only published biography of Admiral Kimmel, this book is the best starting source for information on the admiral's career before Pearl Harbor. It is written by a man sympathetic with the admiral's cause.

Buell, Thomas B. The Quiet Warrior: A Biography of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance. Boston: Little, Brown, 1974

Although this source concentrates primarily upon the later career of Admiral Spruance, it does discuss how the attack on Pearl Harbor affected Spruance.

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Burlingame, Burl (William G., Jr.) Advance Force--Pearl Harbor: The Imperial Navy's Undwater Attack on America. Kailua, Hawaii: Pacific Monograph, 1992.

This account of an often-overlooked aspect of the Pearl Harbor attack, namely the role of the midget submarines, should have been an excellent addition to the historiography of Pearl Harbor. Unfortunately, it is marred by questionable historical techniques that compromise its reliablity as a source. Approach it with extreme caution.

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Burns, James McGregor. Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1956

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_____. Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1970

Burtness, Paul S. and Warren U. Ober, eds. The Puzzle of Pearl Harbor. Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson, 1962

Butow, Robert J. C. Japan's Decision to Surrender. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1954

________.The John Doe Associates: Backdoor Diplomacy for Peace, 1941. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press. 1974

This book deals with the private efforts of Admiral Nomura and various US agents to avert the war.

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_____. Tojo and the Coming of the War. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 1961

Although primarily a biography of Tojo, it also looks at Japanese policy issues that are related to the decision to attack Pearl Harbor.

Byas, Hugh. Government by Assassination. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1942

Cantrill, Hadley, ed. Public Opinion 1935-1946. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1951

Carver, Michael, ed. The War Lords: The Military Commanders of the Twentieth Century. Boston: Little, Brown. 1976

Clark, Blake. Remember Pearl Harbor! New York: Modern Age Books, 1942

Clarke, Thurston. Pearl Harbor Ghosts: A Journey to Hawaii Then and Now. New York: William Morrow and Co., Inc. 1991

Written for the fiftieth anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, this book looks at it through the lens of the present. It traces the post-attack lives of a number of survivors and discusses how the attack has affected the entire area and continues to affect it.

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Claussen, Henry C. and Bruce Lee. Pearl Harbor! Final Judgement, New York: Crown Publishers, 1992.

In reading this book, it is important to remember that Claussen was the special investigator for the Secretary of War, and therefore was probably under orders to produce a report favorable to the administration, in spite of all his protestations of impartiality. This probably explains why he was so extremely critical of Admiral Kimmel, almost to the point of arguing that since Roosevelt was by definition right as President, it had to be the Admiral's fault.

Coffey, Thomas M. Imperial Tragedy, Japan in World War II, the First Days and the Last. New York: World Publishers, 1970

A chronological recounting of Pearl Harbor, particularly from the Japanese point of view.

Cohen, Stan. East Wind Rain: A Pictorial History of the Pearl Harbor Attack. Missoula, Mont.: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, 1981

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Cole, Wayne S. America First: The Battle Against Interventionism, 1940-1941. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1953

Collier, Basil. The War in the Far East, 1941-1945, New York: Morrow, 1969

Pearl Harbor is covered briefly in the larger context of the entire war. A good overview that helps to put things in perspective.

Collier, Richard. The Road to Pearl Harbor -- 1941, New York: Atheneum, 1981

Examines how the various events around the world, particularly in Europe, fit together to lead up to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Cooper, George, and Gavan Daws. Land and Power in Hawaii: The Democratic Years. Honolulu: Benchmark Books, 1985

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The Correspondents of Time, Life and Fortune. December 7, The First Thirty Hours. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1942

Corson, William R. The Armies of Ignorance: The Rise of the American Intelligence Empire. New York: Dial Press, 1977

This book examines how the US intelligence services behaved before and after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Costello, John. The Pacific War 1941-1945. New York: Rawson and Wade, 1981

________. Days of Infamy: MacArthur, Roosevelt, Churchill, The Shocking Truth Revealed. New York: Pocket, 1994.

Craigie, Sir Robert Leslie. Behind the Japanese Mask. London: Hutchinson, 1945

Crossman, Robert J. Infamous Day

Dall, Curtis B. F.D.R., My Exploited Father-in-Law. Tulsa, Okla.: Christian Crusade Publications, 1967

Dallek, Robert. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979

Davis, Forrest and Lindley, Ernest K. How War Came, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1942

Davis, Kenneth Sydney. Experience of War: The United States in World War II. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1965

Dilts, Marion May, The Pageant of Japanese History, Longmans, Green and Company, New York, 1942

Dorwart, Jeffery M. Conflict of Duty. Annapolis, Md.: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1983

Dower, John W. War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War. New York: Pantheon, 1986

This book examines the role of racism and stereotypes of the Japanese as subhuman "monkey-men" in the War. The book is relevant to Pearl Harbor in how these attitudes led to American underestimation of Japanese warmaking ability.

Dull, Paul S. A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy (1941-1945) Annapolis, Md.: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1978

Dunnahoo, Terry. Pearl Harbor: America Enters the War. New York: Franklin Watts, 1991

Durant, Will and Ariel. The Lessons of History. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968

Dyer, VADM. George C. On the Treadmill to Pearl Harbor: The Memoirs of Admiral James O. Richardson, U.S.N. (Retired). Washington D.C.: Naval History Division, Department of the Navy, 1973

These memoirs were withheld from publication by the request of Admiral Richardson himself until after the death of Admiral Stark because they are very critical of the top echelons of Navy command in Washington, particularly Stark. He argues that it was a failure of the top command in Washington that led to Pearl Harbor and that Admiral Kimmel was a victim of a CYA operation.

_____. The Amphibians Came to Conquor: The Story of Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner. Washington D.C.: Naval History Division, Department of the Navy, 1971

Editors of the Army Times Publishing Company. Pearl Harbor and Hawaii: A Military History. New York: Walker, 1971

Heavy on photos, with a very basic narrative of events -- good for getting a visual sense of the events.

Eggleston, George T. Roosevelt, Churchill and the World War II Opposition. Old Greenwich, CT: Devin-Adair, 1979

Emmerson, John K. The Japanese Thread. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978

Edmonds, Walter D. They Fought with What They Had. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951

Farago, Ladislas. The Broken Seal: Operation Magic and the Pearl Harbor Disaster, Random House, New York, 1967

The story of pre-Pearl Harbor codebreaking, and in particular how vital clues were missed. This includes the story of the Lurline discovery as well as other surprising secrets.

Farrell, Bryan. Hawaii: The Legend That Sells. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1982

Feis, Herbert. The Road to Pearl Harbor: The coming of War between the United States and Japan. Princetown University Press, Princeton, 1950

The focus of this work is politics, and particularly the various factors which led the United States and Japan to become increasingly hostile.

Fleet Reserve Association, U.S.S. Arizona: Ship's Data. Booklet. Honolulu: Fleet Reserve Association, 1978Ê

Flynn, John T The Truth About Pearl Harbor. New York: privately printed pamphlet, 1944

Freeman, Tom. Pearl Harbor Recalled: New Images of the Day of Infamy. Annapolis, Md.: U. S. Naval Institute Press,1991

Fuchida, Mitsusu. From Pearl Harbor to Golgotha. San Jose, Calif.: Sky Pilots of America International, undated [probably mid1950's].

Furer, RADM. Julius Augustus. Administration of the Navy Department in World War II. Washington D.C.: Naval History Division, Department of the Navy, 1959.

Gilbert, Dan. What Really Happened at Pearl Harbor? Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1942.

Goldstein, Donald M. and Katherine V. Dillon. The Pearl Harbor Papers: Inside the Japanese Plans Washington DC: Brassey's, 1993.

A collection of translated Japanese primary source documents

Goldstein, Donald M, Katherine V. Dillon and J. Michael Wenger. The Way it Was: Pearl Harbor: The Original Photographs. Washington, DC: Brassey's, 1991.

Pictures and text of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the people involved.

Goldston, Robert C. Pearl Harbor: 7 December 1941. New York: Watts 1972

Halsey, FADM. William F. Admiral Halsey's Story, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1947

In his memoirs, Admiral Halsey devotes several pages to the attack on Pearl Harbor and in particular to its effects on Admiral Kimmel, who was his close friend. Halsey, loyal to a fault, is most adamant in his defense of Kimmel and never passes up a chance to put in a good word for the man he regarded as "the greatest military martyr of American history."

Hoehling, A. A. The Week Before Pearl Harbor. New York: W. W. Norton, 1963

_____. December 7, 1941: The Day the Admirals Slept Late. (Paperback edition of above). New York: Kensington, 1978

A reprint of the above, packaged for popular consumption with an attention-getting blurb on the back which makes it look like Admiral Kimmel got his position as CinCPac through patronage when the actual text within makes it clear that his connection with Roosevelt was actually a very minor part of his career which played almost no role in his selection for the command.

Holmes, W. J. Double-Edged Secrets. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1979

Honan, William H., Visions of Infamy: The Untold Story of How Journalist Hector C. Bywater Devised the Plans that Led to Pearl Harbor. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991

Tells how an American writer produced a book which became a virtual blueprint for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Hoyt, Edwin P. How they Won the War in the Pacific: Nimitz and His Admirals. New York: Weybright & Talley, 1970

Although it is actually an overview of the entire war, it does cover the attack.

________.Japan's War: The Great Pacific Conflict, New York: McGraw Hill, 1986.

Again the focus is on the entire war, but there is some good coverage of the military and political background to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Huie, William Bradford. The Case Against the Admirals: Why We Must Have a Unified Command. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1946

Hudson, Robert Stephen. Sunrise Sunset: December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor. Honolulu: Hudson Historical Enterprise, 1986

Hurd, Charles. Washington Cavalcade. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1948

Ienaga, Saburo. The Pacific War: World War II and the Japanese, 1931-1945. New York: Pantheon, 1978.

This book examines Japanese actions leading up to the war and how the various parts of the Japanese government worked tto gether to make it impossible to prevent.

Ike, Nobutake, ed. Japan's Decision for War: Records of the 1941 Policy Conferences. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press.

The Japanese view of how Japan went to war, including a number of documents.

Jackson, Charles L. On to Pearl Harbor and Beyond. Dixon, Calif: Pacific Ship & Shore, 1982

Jasper, Joy Waldron, James P. Delgado and Jim Adams. The USS Arizona: The Ship, the Men, the Pearl Harbor Attack, and the Symbol that Aroused America. New York: Truman Talley Books, St. Martin's Press. 2001.

Focuses on the stories of the ordinary sailors, including primary-source accounts by survivors. Also includes an account of the efforts to salvage the ship after the attack, the creation of the Memorial, and subsequent investigations for purposes of historical conservation.

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Jones, James. From Here to Eternity. New York: Scribners, 1951

Kahn, David. The Codebreakers. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1946

Looks at the history and technique of codebreaking.

Karig, Walter and Welbourn Kelley. Battle Report: Pearl Harbor to Coral Sea New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc. 1944.

This is an official account meant to build fighting spirit. There are some factual errors due to the lack of information at the time, partly due to the need for military secrecy. Admiral Kimmel is not even mentioned and there is no discussion of his guilt or innocence. However there are many heartening pictures of valor under fire, such as the account of Isaac Kidd helping man a machine gun moments before his flagship was destroyed.

Kennett, Lee B. For the Duration. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1985

Looks at the home-front reaction to Pearl Harbor and how pele at home got through the War.

Ketchum, Richard M. The Borrowed Years 1938-1941: America on the Way to War. New York: Random House, 1989

Looks at American policy and life up to Pearl Harbor, but also gives a good picture of the attack itself.

Kimmel, Husband Edward. Admiral Kimmel's Story. Chicago: Regnery 1955

In this book Admiral Kimmel presents his own case, setting out the problems he faced as CinCPac, particularly a shortage of vital intelligence information on which to base his judgement of the situation immediately prior to the attack.

King, Ernest J. U. S. Navy at War 1941-1945 (Official Report to the Secretary of the Navy). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1946

_____, and Walter Muir Whitehead. Fleet Admiral King: A Naval Record. New York: W. W. Norton, 1952

Here are King's memoirs of the War, written in the third person. There is scant coverage of the attack on Pearl Harbor itself, since King was in the Atlantic at the time, but the book provides a good overview of the situation at the time and particularly the inner workings of the Navy.

Kirby, S. Woodburn, et al. The War Against Japan, Vol. I. London: H. M. Stationary Office, 1957

Kirkpatrick, Lyman B. Jr. Captains Without Eyes: Intelligence Failures in World War II. London: The Macmillan Company, 1969.

This book studies intelligence foulups, including Pearl Harbor. It takes a look at what US intelligence knew but failed to tell its commanders in Hawaii, and concludes that no single person or organization was at fault. Rather it was a systematic failure.

LaForte, Robert S. and Ronald E. Marcello. Remembering Pearl Harbor: Eyewitness Accounts by U. S. Military Men and Women. Washington, DC: Scholarly Resources, 1991.

This oral history gives the accounts of various people, mostly enlisted personnel, who were present during the attack.

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Langer, William L., and S. Everett Gleason.The Undeclared War: 1940-1941. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1953

This book examines the politics leading up to and during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Lash, Joseph P. Roosevelt and Churchill 1931-1941: The Partnership that Saved the West. New York: W. W. Norton, 1976

Layton, RADM. Edwin T., USN (Ret.). "And I Was There": Pearl Harbor and Midway -- Breaking the Secrets. New York: Morrow, 1985

Layton, who was Fleet Intelligence Officer for both Kimmel and Nimitz, presents the story of his involvement in Pearl Harbor. He is strongly loyal to Kimmel and begins his account with the story of how he confronted Admiral R. K. Turner, who was claiming that Kimmel had all the information he needed to prevent the attack and simply chose not to act upon it. The section devoted to Pearl Harbor is methodalical in its attention to detail, as befits a trained intelligence officer such as Layton.

Lenihan, Daniel J., ed. Submerged Cultural Resources Study: USS "Arizona" Memorial and Pearl Harbor National Historical Landmark. Santa Fe, N.M.: Submerged Cultual Resources Unit, Southwest Cultural Resources Center, Southwest Region, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1989

Lewin, Ronald. The American Magic. New York: Farrar Straus Girox, 1982

Lombard, Helen. While They Fought. New York: Scribners, 1947

Lord, Walter. Day of Infamy, Henry Holt and Company, New York 1957

This book is a chronological reconstruction of the events of December 7, 1941.

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Love, Robert W. Jr. Pearl Harbor Revisited New York: St. Martins, 1995

A collection of articles about the attack on Pearl Harbor

Lundstrom, John B. The First South Pacific Campaign: Pacific Fleet Strategy December 1941-June 1942 Annapolis, Md.: U.S. Naval Institute Press 1976

A quick overview of strategic planning and Pearl Harbor, although there is much more concentration on the Phillipines and the Coral Sea.

_____. The First Team. Annapolis, Md. U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1984

MacDonald, Alexander. Revolt in Paradise. New YOrk: S. Daye, 1944

The "Magic" Backgroud of Pearl Harbor. Washington, D.C.: Department of Defense, 1977

Marshall, Katherine Tupper. Together. Atlanta: Tupper and Love, 1946

Melosi, Martin V. The Shadow of Pearl Harbor: Political Controversy over the Suprise Attack, 1941-1946. College Station, Tex: Texas A&M University Press, 1977.

This book examines the political repercussions of Pearl Harbor, particularly the series of investigations and coverups that have prevented any real accounting.

Merrill, James M. A Sailor's Admiral: A Biography of William F. Halsey, 1976

This biography of Halsey presents a sympathetic view of Kimmel and his role in the Pearl Harbor attack. It also provides some material on the relationship between Halsey and Kimmel, particularly after the latter's relief from command as CinCPac.

Middleton, Drew. Crossroads of Modern Warfare. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1983

Miller, Edward S. War Plan Orange Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1992.

Millis, Walter. This is Pearl! The United States and Japan -- 1941W. Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1947

Looks at the events of 1941 leading up to Pearl Harbor and the attack itself.

Mitchell, Joseph B., and Sir Edward Creasy. Twenty Decisive Battles of the World. New York: Macmillan, 1964

Morgenstern, George. Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War, The Devin-Adair Company, New York, 1947.

The history of how Washington steadily gave inadequate information to their commanders in Hawaii and subsequently resorted to cover-ups and scapegoating to avoid taking responsibility for their own failure.

Morison, Samuel Eliot. By Land and By Sea. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1953

_____. The Rising Sun in the Pacific, 1931-April 1942, Little Brown and Company, Boston, 1954

This semi-official book toes the Administration line and blames the commanders in Hawaii for the problems that led to American forces being caught unprepared by the attack.

Morton, Louis. United States Army in World War II: The War in the Pacific: Strategy and Command: The First Two Years. Washington D.C.: Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Military History, 1962

Mosley, Leonard. Marshall: Hero for Our Time. New York: Hearst Books, 1982

This laudatory biography of Marshall pins blame for Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and does a lot of damage control on Marshall's role.

I recognize that this is an incomplete listing by necessity, since new materials continue to come out even after seventy years have passed. However I will continue to work on getting more of these materials annotated and adding new ones as I become aware of them. If you know of other books, articles or audiovisual materials that you believe should be added to this listing, please e-mail me at

This compilation and accompanying annotations are copyright 2014 by Leigh Kimmel. It may be downloaded and used for research and teaching purposes provided that it is not altered in any way and this copyright notice remains intact.

Last updated October 26, 2014.