Pearl Harbor Bibliography -- Magazines

This compilation and accompanying annotations are copyright 2014 by Leigh Kimmel. It may be downloaded and used for research purposes provided that it is not altered in any way and this copyright notice remains intact.

Alden, Cmdr. John D. "Up From Ashes: The Saga of Cassin and Downes." United States Naval Institute Proceedings, January 1961

Barnes, Harry E. "A Historian Invesigates a Tough Question: Where Was the General?" Chicago Tribune, December 7, 1966

_____. "Pearl Harbor After a Quarter of a Century." Left and Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought.

_____. "What Happened at Pearl Harbor?" Peace News, London, December 7, 1962

Bartlett, Bruce B. "The Pearl Harbor Coverup," Reason, February 1976, pp. 24-27

It starts with the parallel to Watergate, arguing that the latter scandal was not unique. It continues to show how FDR and his followers deliberately spin-doctored every report or hid those that could not be, using every ugly dirty trick in the book. It also discusses the connection with Flynn.

Beach, Edward L. "Who's to Blame"United States Naval Institute ProceedingsDecember 1991, 32-40

A discussion of the new evidence for the revisionist position by the author of the book Scapegoats.

Beatty, VADM Frank E. "Another Version of What Started War with Japan." US News & World Report May 28, 1954, Pp 48-50.

Beatty was an aide to Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy, at the time of Pearl Harbor, and denies any conspiracy or deceit.

_____. "Background of the Secret Report," National Review, December 13, 1966, pp. 1261-65.

Tells his account of Frank Knox's investigation directly after the attack.

Boyd, Ellsworth. "A Voice from the Bottom of the Sea." Our Navy, December, 1967

Boyle, John H. "The Walsh-Drought Mission to Japan." Pacific Historical Review, May 1965, 141-161

This article looks at a diplomatic mission about one year before the attack on Pearl Harbor, and in particular examines the cultural misinterpretations on both sides. It is primarily useful for background on why various miscues occurred, leading up to the actual attack.

Bratzel, John F. and Leslie B. Rout, Jr. "Pearl Harbor, Microdots and J. Edgar Hoover." American Historical Review, December 1982, Pp 1342+.

A discussion of an agent named Popov (double agent) who passed MI6 a questionarre on Pearl Harbor from the Japanese via the German Abwehr.

Burtness, Paul S., and Ober, Warren U. "Research Methodology: Problem of Pearl Harbor Intelligence Reports." Military Affairs, Fall 1961, pp. 132-46

Butow, Robert J. C. "The Hull-Nomura Conversations: A Fundamental Misconception," American Historical Review, July 1960, pp. 822-36

_____. "Backdoor Diplomacy in the Pacific: The Propsal for a Konoye-Roosevelt Meeting, 1941" The Journal of American History, June 1972

_______. "Marching Off to War on the Wrong Foot: The Final Note Tokyo Did NOT Send to Washington." Pacific Historical Review. 1993.

Chamberlain, John. "The Man Who Pushed Pearl Harbor," Life April 1, 1946, Pp. 84-97.

This contains some details of historical events, but is primarily on Senator Homer Fergusun and how he made sure Congress investigated Pearl Harbor. It talks about how he got into the profession of investigation and the Senate, plus his role in uncovering certain dirty secrets.

Chamberlin, William Henry. "The Clay Feet of Imperialism." Asia. May 1942

Cloward, Ralph B., M.D. "A Neurosurgeon Remembers Pearl Harbor." Surgical Neurology, December 1976

Current, Richard Nelson. "How Stimson Meant to 'Maneuver' the Japanese" Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XL (June 1953) pp. 67-74Ê

Cites statements by Stimson about "maneuvering" the Japanese into firing the first shot, but concludes that this does not necessarily mean that the Administration deliberately planned to allow the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Dickinson, Lt. Clarence C. "I Fly for Vengeance." Saturday Evening Post, October 19, 1942

Dupuy, T. N. "Pearl Harbor: Who Blundered? American Heritage

An extensive discussion of the failure of command, which spreads the blame with a broad brush.

Edmonds, Walter D. "What Happened at Clark Field." Atlantic, July 1951

Estel, John (AP) "Hoover Shared Spy Discloseure on Pearl Harbor." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 1, 1982

Esthus, Raymond A. "President Roosevelt's Commitment to Britain to Intervene in a Pacific War," Mississippi Valley Historical Review, June 1963, pp. 28-38

Examines FDR's links to the UK and the Constitutional problems involved in supporting Britain before a declaration of war

Fagan, Lt. Col. George V. "F.D.R. and Naval Limitations" United States Naval Institute Proceedings, April 1955

Feis, Herbert. "War Came at Pearl Harbor: Suspicions Considered." Yale Review, Spring 1956, Pp. 379- 90.

Denies any culpability on FDR's part, and argues he was acting in good faith and without duplicity.

Forbes. "A Mixed Blessing." February 22, 1988

Fox, Barry. "I Remember Pearl Harbor." Harper's. January 1943

Fuchida, Mitsuo. "I Led the Air Attack on Pearl Harbor." Ed. by Roger Pineau. United States Naval Institute Proceedings, September 1952

Fukodome, VADM. Shigeru. "Hawaii Operation." United States Naval Institute Press, December 1955

Gannon, Michael. "Reopen the Kimmel Case" United States Naval Institute Proceedings December 1994, 51-56.

A noted naval historian argues that it is time to exonerate Admiral Kimmel for the blame that has been placed upon him.

Graves, James B. "William F. Halsey, Jr." Conservative Digest September/October 1989, 37-41

This article mentions Pearl Harbor and malfeasance in Washington, but incorrectly gives Admiral Kimmel the first name of his second son, Thomas

Graybar, Lloyd J. "Pearl Harbor 'Scapegoat'" LouisvilleCourier-Journal December 3, 1978, 11+

A brief biographical sketch of Admiral Kimmel, his naval career and his subsequent struggles to rehabilitate his reputation.

Greaves, Percy L., Jr. "FDR's Watergate: Pearl Harbor," Reason, February 1976, pp. 16-23.

Starting with the concept of Watergate as a synonym for corruption, this article argues that FDR and his followers covered up Pearl Harbor even after the legitimate needs of the war were gone. It argues that the US government knew what was going on and wouldn't tell Kimmel and Short in order to make sure the US got into the war, then punished these men to cover their own dirty deeds.

_____. "Pearl Harbor," National Review, December 13, 1966, pp. 1266-72.

This article focusses on the responsibilty of George C. Marshall for the defense of Hawaii and how he failed to tell Walter Short what was going on. It also argues that Roosevelt had gotten out of hand and was lying to the public. It also blasts Roberta Wohlstetter's book.

Harrington, Daniel F. "A Careless Hope: American Air Power and Japan, 1941," Pacific Historical Review, May 1979, pp. 217-38

An examination of strategic planning in the Pacific before the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the underlying problems of defending the base without support from home

Hiles, Charles C. "The Kita Message: Forever a Mystery?" Chicago Tribune, December 7, 1966

Hill, Norman. "Was There an Ultimatum before Pearl Harbor?" American Journal of International Law. April 1948

Hoar, William P. "Clouds Remain over Pearl Harbor." New American December 3, 1991, 40-43.

A discussion of new evidence of malfeasance in Washington.

Hone, Thomas C. "The Destruction of the Battle Line at Pearl Harbor" United States Naval Institute Proceedings, December 1977

Hosoya, Chihiro. "Miscalculations in Deterrant Policy: Japanese-- U.S. Relations, 1938-1941" Journal of Peace Research, November 2, 1968

Ingram, Jane H. "The Great Decievers: FDR and the 'Infamy' behind Pearl Harbor. New American December 9, 1996. 29-36.

This article accuses Roosevelt and Churchill of conspiring to get American into theWar in order to keep Hitler from destroying the USSR and ultimately to create the UN as a foundation for a one-world government

Kimball, Warren F. "Churchill and Roosevelt: The Personal Equation," Prologue: The Journal of the National Archives, Fall 1974, pp. 169-82

Kirchwey, Freda. "Partners in Guilt." The Nation, December 27, 1941

_____. "The Fruits of Appeasement." The Nation, December 13, 1941

Kitteredge, Capt. T. S. "The Muddle Before Pearl Harbor." U.S. News & World Report, December 3, 1954

The author is a Navy historian, and his work is very detailed on the letters passed back and forth from Washington and Pearl Harbor before the attack. He argues the official line that Stark and Marshall didn't know what was coming, and that Kimmel and Short had all the information they needed to be prepared and therefore were without excuse.

________. "A Military Danger" The Relevation of Secret Strategic Plans" US Naval Institute Proceedings July, 1955

Kissinger, Henry A. "Arms Control Inspection and Suprise Attack." Foriegn Affairs, July 1960

Knaefler, Tomi. "Divided Families." A series of articles running in Honolulu Star-Bulletin during December 1966

Lerner, Max. "The Margin of Waste." The New Republic, January 26, 1942Ê/p>

Mackay, Margaret Mackprang. "Honolulu Flashes." Asia, April 1942

Manion, Dean Clarence. "An Interview with Admiral Kimmel." The Journal of Historical Review Winter 1991, 495-499.

Although printed in a periodical that also prints articles supporting Holocaust denial, this interview with Admiral Kimmel appears to be a relatively trustworthy piece. It includes an introduction almost as long as the interview itself.

Miles, Sherman. "Pearl Harbor in Retrospect," Atlantic Monthly, July 1948, pp. 65-72

Mitchell, Donald W. "What the Navy Can Do." The Nation, December 20, 1941

Morison, Samuel Eliot, "The Lessons of Pearl Harbor." Saturday Evening Post, October 26, 1941

_____. "Did Roosevelt Start the War: History Through a Beard," Atlantic Monthly, August 1948, pp. 91-97

Nash, Ernest T. "Understanding the Japanese." New York Herald Tribune, June 18, 1942

Nomura, Admiral Kichisaburo. "Stepping-Stones to War." United States Naval Institute Proceedings, September 1951

Oi, Atsushi. "Why Japan's Anti-Submarine Warfare Failed." United States Naval Institute Proceedings, June 1952

Pearl Harbor-Gram. Newsletter of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association

Perkins, Dexter. "Was Roosevelt Wrong?" Virginia Quarterly Review, Summer 1954

Perloff, James. "Pearl Harbor: Hawaii was Surprised, Washington Was Not"New American December 8, 1986, 25-36.

This article is an extensive overview of Administration involvement and the use of "investigations" to cover it up by drawing attention away from the real issues

Prange, Gordon W. "Tora, Tora, Tora" Reader's Digest, October and November 1963

Pratt, Adm. William V. "We Must Take the Offensive." Newsweek, March 2, 1942

Puleston, Captain W. D. "Blunders of World War II," U. S. News and World Report, February 4, 1955, pp. 109- 11

Part of an article dealing with mistakes by all sides, it argues that the US Fleet should never have been moved to Pearl Harbor in the first place.

Richardson, David C. "Review and Commentary on the Clausen-Lee Book, Pearl Harbor, Final Judgement." Cryptolog, Summer 1993

________."You Decide" United States Naval Institute ProceedingsDecember 1991. 34-39.

A companion article to Edward L. Beach's "Who's to Blame?"

Richardson, Seth W. "Why Were We Caught Napping at Pearl Harbor?" Saturday Evening Post, May 24, 1947

Russell, Maj. Gen. H. D. "More Light on Pearl Harbor." U.S. News & World Report, May 7, 1954, Pp. 30-32.

This article is a rebuttal of Admiral Theobald's book and argues that most of the data presented by Theobald is irrelevant to the argument.

Sansom, Sir George. "Japan's Fatal Blunder." International Affairs, October 1948

Shaw, Brig. Gen. Samuel R. "Marine Barracks, Navy Yard Pearl Haror, December 1941." Shipmate, December 1973

Shearer, Lloyd. "Takeo Yoshikawa: The Japanese Spy Who Fingered Pearl Harbor." Parade, December 7, 1969

Singer, J. David. "Surprise Attack." The Nation, January 30, 1960

Stewart, Lt Comm. A. J. "Those Mysterious Subs." United States Naval Institute Proceedings, December 1974

Strong, Mary Katherine. "Washington at Pearl Harbor." Current History, February 1946

Taylor, Telford. "Day of Infamy, Decades of Doubt." The New York Times, April 29, 1984

Tolley, Kemp. "The Strange Assignment of the USS Lanikai," United States Naval Institute Proceedings, September 1962, pp. 70-83

_____. "Admiral-Ambassador Standley," Shipmate, September 1977, pp. 27-29

Truman, Harry S. "Our Armed Forces Must Be Unified," Collier's August 26, 1944, pp. 16, 63-64

Waldrop, Frank C. "It's Still Question Time." Washington Times-Herald, January 26, 1942

Warren, Spencer. "Why America Slept" National Review December 16, 1991, 34-36.

This article discusses Pearl Harbor revisionism but doesn't take sides

Weaver, Bill. "Kentuckian Under Fire: Admiral Kimmel and the Pearl Harbor Controversy." The Filson Club History QuarterlyApril, 1983. 151-174.

This article is an extensive and sympathetic discussion of the treatment of Admiral Kimmel by the US government

"Where Were You...?" Newsweek December 12, 1966, 36-49

This lengthy popular article looks back at where notable individuals were at the time of the attack, and then discusses their activities at the time of the article's writing. It includes an amusing tidbit about Admiral Kimmel's refusal to be interviewed.

Yoshikawa, Takeo. "Top Secret Assignments," US Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 86, December 1960, pp. 27- 36

I recognize that this is an incomplete listing by necessity, since new materials continue to come out even after fifty years have passed. However I will continue to work on getting more of these materials annotated and adding new ones as I become aware of them. If you know of other books, articles or audiovisual materials that you believe should be added to this listing, please e-mail me at

This compilation and accompanying annotations are copyright 2014 by Leigh Kimmel. It may be downloaded and used for research purposes provided that it is not altered in any way and this copyright notice remains intact.

Last updated January 9, 2014.